How to Apply the Classical Bagua in the Southern Hemisphere

Read Part 1: Feng Shui in the Southern Hemisphere

Let me illustrate step by step how to apply the classical feng shui bagua in the Southern hemisphere. Please read Part 1 in order to understand the logic behind it. We deducted, based on clear facts, that we need to reverse the classical bagua when we apply it in the Southern hemisphere, but how exactly do we do that?

Here is what I suggest, based on many years of research, full time practice and meditative insight. I live in the Northern hemisphere, but I also loved traveling in Australia and New Zealand in the winter. As with everything I write and teach, please first use your own insight, logic and intuition and only apply what I suggest if it feels right to you.

This specific bagua application is mostly avoided in feng shui circles because there are no “set rules” for it, so it requires logical thinking and a bit of clear confidence. Most practitioners would say to just keep the classical bagua application the same, which makes no logical sense.

To illustrate the suggested application of the classical, or traditional feng shui bagua in the Southern hemisphere, I will use several visual steps, all based on the Lo Shu Square, the beautiful and very ancient tool on which feng shui bagua is based upon.

Below is the magical square, read more about it here.

All 9 numbers in the Lo Shu Square are expressions of specific feng shui elements, and in the Flying Stars school they are also called Stars carrying specific “moving” energies, be they annual or monthly. For example, number 6 is a strong expression of the Metal element, this is why when we need a strong Metal element cure we suggest it in 6, as in a Metal wind chime with 6 hollow rods.

Now I will add the compass directions to the numbers of the Lo Shu Square as per classical, or traditional feng shui bagua.

Next, I will add the feng shui elements which are as crucial as numbers because, as mentioned above, the elements are expressed in numbers (as they are also expressed in specific colors and shapes).

Now comes the difficult part of correctly reversing the traditional feng shui bagua, and here we have to go slow and apply clear thinking based on logical deductions. This is very important because there are no “ancient rules” in feng shui about it, due to the fact that feng shui originated in the Northern Hemisphere.

The center of the Lo Shu square obviously stays the same, with its number 5 of the Earth element, and we start by reversing the elemental energies of South and North. As already noted, in the Southern hemisphere the strongest, most fiery energy of the Sun – the midday Sun – is in the Northern skies, opposite to the strongest Sun energy being in the Southern skies in the Northern hemisphere. It is a reverse, mirror-like expression.

So the Fire element with its number 9 goes to the North (to align with the energies of the Southern hemisphere), and the Water element with its number 1 goes to the South area.

Next we bring the elemental energies of the East-West axis because we know that they stay the same (the sun always rises in the East, no matter which hemisphere we are in).

Next, in following the reverse/mirror like principle, we fill the rest of the numbers based on the integrity of the Lo Shu Square.

Here is another visual for the classical feng shui bagua applied in the Southern hemisphere (with related bagua areas and their colors as expressions of feng shui elements).

Feng Shui Bagua in the Southern Hemisphere

Now, if you live in the Southern hemisphere and are following my annual (or monthly) feng shui updates, you might have questions on their correct application. Before I answer this question, here’s what it is important to understand about feng shui.

When we work with feng shui, we work with energy. Universal energy is very intelligent, and yes, it does follow specific rules. However, you and your home are the ones that have much power in applying – as well as often choosing and defining – these rules.

Best feng shui is based on understanding and fostering a specific relationship, because everything in life is a relationship, everything is inter-connected. When you decide to apply feng shui in your home, the best comparison I can give is the one where you decide to start (or develop) a meaningful, long lasting relationship.

When you first meet someone, you try to understand/get to know them for who they really are. Absolutely the same has to apply to intelligent feng shui. First you have to know your house on a genuine and honest level, know where it hurts, where it needs help, how it expresses itself and its uniqueness. First we need to truly understand someone, then we set the best rules for nourishing and maintaining a mutually benefitting relationship.

For a personal relationship to successfully develop further, at some point we discuss and adopt specific agreements to benefit both parties. Exactly the same applies to the feng shui of your home. First we need to really understand your home, get to know it, and this process has nothing to do with the bagua. Most modern homes need a lot of work and attention – intelligent attention – before applying the bagua.

Many people avoid looking at very important aspects of challenging energy such as the cluttered garage and closets, the quality of indoor air, the high levels of EMF, etc. Placing a few shiny trinkets here and there or moving furniture around cannot possibly create good feng shui when the solid energetic basics are not taken care of. It would be similar to putting on beautiful makeup and new shiny clothes – how long does that energy last and what real change does it create, if any?

For a limited time, it might feel good, but the person still carries deeper-seated energies in their physical body that need to be taken care of, meaning whatever specific issues the physical body might experience, be it a clogged liver or pain in the back. Exactly the same applies to your house, as it is considered your larger physical body in feng shui. It cannot hide for too long the negative energy in the basement (the energetic foundation for the house) or chaotic energy in the closets (it restricts and blocks the Chi circulation in the house).

When you are ready to choose between the two feng shui baguas, be guided by reason and by your own situation. For example, if you live in an apartment building, it might be wiser and easier to apply the BTB bagua, which is so unfairly judged as being not powerful enough. On the other hand, if you live on land, with close and intimate connection to the natural elements, you might want to explore the application of the classical bagua.

In the Southern hemisphere, this will require confidence and a lot of self-trust, as well as experimenting and feeling/understanding for yourself the deeper wisdom of this ancient tool. Decide if what I offered above is true and right for you in applying the classical feng shui bagua in your home, and proceed from there.

Now, in relation to applying the annual feng shui updates based on the Flying Stars school, the logical way to go (in the Southern hemisphere) is to look at the energies of specific bagua areas. Meaning, you go by the identity/name/the energy of the bagua, not by the direction defined in the Northern hemisphere.

Your North area is the fiery Fame & Reputation area (with Star 9 as the foundational star), your South area is your Career/Path in Life (with Star 1 as the foundational star).  The Center, East and West, as you have seen, stay the same, while the other four bagua areas also change their location (refer to the bagua images above).

I trust this brought you clarity and makes sense, although I also realize it can create a feeling of more work, or even frustration. Know that there is no rush in applying feng shui, and many homes have beautiful energies without even applying the bagua.

Take your time in choosing which bagua to follow – the BTB or the Traditional/Classical one – stay with one and use it as foundation for your work, and always, always trust your inner judgment above all else. If what I wrote feels true to you, apply it, if it does not, stay with your feeling, trust it and explore it further. It is the only way you can truly master this energetic body of knowledge. You are the one who has to create good energy in your home, so you have to feel good and right about any changes you apply to it.

I trust this helps you.

image @ manonpaardenkooper/instagram

rodika tchi

Master feng shui consultant, published author. teacher.



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