The Fiery and Grounding Power of Carnelian

Use the powerful fire and earth alchemy of carnelian in your home feng shui decor (and healing, too)

Carnelian stone is another beloved stone of mine. Well, I sure love them all, but there will always be crystals that will speak to you stronger. I love the caring carnelian for its earthy, nourishing warmth and wisdom, for its beautiful colors that range from the most gentle yellow to the deepest fiery orange, as well as for its happy and optimistic energy expressed in a calm and assuring kind of way. This beauty is one of the best stones to wear when you need to strengthen your energy and let go of past beliefs and limitations.

Carnelian is also one of the best stones used to activate your physical energy as it helps strengthen your first and second chakras. Because carnelian harmoniously blends both the Fire and the Earth feng shui elements, you can freely use it in any of the bagua areas of your home that can benefit from these two elements. The presence of carnelian is always welcomed in your Love & Marriage area, as well as the Personal Growth & Spiritual Cultivation bagua area. If you have a deep red carnelian, it can be an excellent feng shui cure to activate the Fame & Reputation bagua area of your space.

Our Next Feng Shui Crystal: The Ageless Ammolite

Carnelian stone by LunaBlueBoutique/

rodika tchi

Master feng shui consultant, published author. teacher.



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