The Greener than Green Power of Green Tourmaline

Green tourmaline gemstone energy properties: vitality, love of life, abundance and joyful peace

The beautiful and vibrant green tourmaline has many healing properties, all focused on improving your health and well-being. Tourmaline is one of the most versatile gemstones in the mineral world as it is among the rare gemstones that come in all colours of the rainbow. One of the main qualities of tourmaline is its ability to purify your energy, as well as protect from negative influences (this is especially true about the black tourmaline). The unique side striations of tourmaline stone allow for a fast and efficient energy purification. Tourmaline of any colour can clear the blockages in your energy meridians and allow for a fresh flow of joy, vitality and a pure love of being; this is especially true of the green colour one.

There is more to the energy of tourmaline than just the purification and protection properties. Compassion, healing, kindness, joyful acceptance of all existence, these are all powerful qualities that the green tourmaline can bring into your energy field (and into your life.) The green colour tourmaline is the one to look for when you need to strengthen and revitalize your personal energy; it is an especially beneficial gemstone to wear when transitioning from winter to spring, when our energy levels may be low or depleted.

The ability to release stress and calm anxieties is one of the most popular properties of the green tourmaline. The healing power of green colour coupled with the strong energy work that tourmaline is renown for can quickly purify and align your energy, at the same time infusing it with the love of life and the adventure of everyday living. Green colour has always been associated with the lush and fertile energy of Mother Earth, so whenever you choose green gemstones to work with, you are always aligning yourself with the healing energy of nature. Green colour stones are also used to attract wealth and abundance, as well as improve one’s health and vital energy (Chi).

There is an abundance of green stones you can look into, from the expensive emerald to the more affordable peridot, malachite, vivianite, green jade, fluorite and even green garnet or green amber. With so many green gemstones to choose from, why would you go for green tourmaline? What makes the green tourmaline stand out when compared to other green stones and crystals? Here’s what makes the green tourmaline so special.

This beautiful crystal can:

  • Calm and balance one’s energy
  • Strengthen the nervous system
  • Energize and nourish
  • Relieve anxiety
  • Clear sadness
  • Open your heart
  • Bring joy
  • Attract abundance
  • Promote kindness to oneself and others
  • Infuse with a vibrant zest for living
  • Attract success

Knowing that colour green is the colour associated with the heart chakra, one of the best ways to benefit from the healing powers of this crystal is to wear it as jewelry. A necklace, a pendant, a string of beads or a beautiful brooch with a green tourmaline, are all wonderful ways to bring the energy of this crystal closer to your precious heart.


rodika tchi

Master feng shui consultant, published author. teacher.



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