The Use of Black Obsidian in Feng Shui and Healing

How (and why) is black obsidian used in feng shui

Black obsidian has the aura of absolute mystery. Its energy draws you in softly, but so very deeply; this makes the presence of black obsidian in your home (or near your body) powerful in many ways. Both black obsidian crystal balls, as well as black obsidian polished mirrors were used in various cultures for deep healing purposes.

The highly reflective black colour of obsidian teamed up with its smooth water-like surface and its volcanic origin can produce powerful transformation in those who know how to use it.

Often called the stone of truth, the black obsidian can reveal boundless secrets and mysteries, both about the inner world of the person working with the obsidian, as well as about the inner workings of the cosmos at large.

The black obsidian sharpness is expressed as physical property and used in various tools to cut through matter (blades, arrows, etc). The sharpness of black obsidian is also expressed as a metaphysical property. This powerful stone can help cut through illusions, lies, fearful facades and blockages, etc.

The amount of information that black obsidian can reveal and the intensity of this truthful energy can be overwhelming. The perfection of its black colour reveals the darkness that blocks the light in any situation and in any person. This is why the black obsidian is best used with much respect and care, especially the black obsidian spheres.

Another facet of the black obsidian identity is its ability to draw in negative energy, thus protecting the wearer or the surroundings in which it is placed. As such, the black obsidian was (and still is) used as protection in various body adornments, jewelry, as well as in many areas of one’s home. The powerful alchemical properties of the black obsidian are due to its origin. Obsidian is born out of quickly cooled volcanic lava, so it has the most potent energy of several raw and powerful elements – fire, earth and water.

black obsidian feng shui

In healing, the black obsidian is used to help one become more grounded, focused and clear in all practical matters. It can also help develop razor-like mental abilities and the powers of discernment. Because the black obsidian expresses a clear, detached energy of truth without “taking any sides”, it can be very helpful for those who tend to react emotionally to people and events in their life. A piece of black obsidian jewellery — be it a ring, a bracelet or even an ankle bracelet — can help anchor erratic energies, bring more balance and clear one’s mind of fears and distractions.

Feng shui-wise, black obsidian is an excellent cure for the North bagua area, which is the area connected to the energy of Career/Path in Life. The energy of black obsidian not only provides the Water feng shui element energy needed in the North area of your home; it also offers protection and clears the energetic obstacles in one’s life path. You can use a bowl of tumbled black obsidian stones in a glass bowl, or choose a small black obsidian sphere.

There are many feng shui carvings made of obsidian that you can explore — from Fu Dogs to Pi Yao —be mindful to choose only symbols you like and can associate with. Black obsidian draws in negative energy, so cleanse it regularly, as well as take good care of its physical surroundings. Do not place the black obsidian on the floor or anywhere else where it can get neglected.


rodika tchi

Master feng shui consultant, published author. teacher.



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