The Mystery of Opal Stone: From Unlucky to Invincible

Do the energetic properties of the opal stone explain its really strange reputation?

The shimmering opal displays a playful array of all colours — from light yellow to deep red, green and purple. It lures you in, it enchants you, while infusing with the hope of a beautiful and happy world.

The name opal comes from the Sanskrit upala meaning precious jewel; the opal has been used as adornment in a variety of cultures for a long time. However, unlike most stones, the opal has accumulated quite a bit of negative reputation. While it can be hard to pinpoint the origin of these negative beliefs, it is known that the sales of opal have significantly dropped after the 1829 publication of Sir Walter Scott’s novel “Anne of Geierstein” in which opal is presented in quite an unflattering light.

The Western view of the power of this mysterious stone seems a bit out of sync, but opal is certainly much loved in other parts of the world, and even called the stone of Gods by the aboriginal people in Australia.

What is so special about opal? 

Opal is a beautiful stone that can enhance one’s energy and mood with a rich variety of warm colours . It can envelop you in a delicate energy of beauty and protect from negative influences. This might be the main reason why one of the qualities attributed to opal in ancient times was the ability to make one invincible! The mysterious opal is a delicate stone (5.5-6 on the Mohs scale of hardness) and it is also prone to drying, thus opal is best kept in a moisture rich environment. Because of its delicate nature, opal is best suited for necklaces, earrings, pendants and brooches rather than rings or bracelets.

Where does opal comes from? 

Opal is the national gemstone of Australia for a reason;  this country is the largest provider of opal on the market. Opal can also be found in Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey, Ethiopia and Mexico.

What are the specific properties of opal?

While it can sure be hard to prove that an opal will make you invincible (as it was once believed), other qualities attributed to opal are more credible, such as balancing one’s emotional state or attracting a state of happiness.

An opal also:

  • Helps find true love
  • Attracts good luck
  • Relieves depression
  • Improves finances
  • Calms emotions
  • Strengthens eyesight
  • Gives hope
  • Can you use opal for good feng shui energy? Yes, you can. The energy of opal, with its shimmering presence, brings the feeling of the Water feng shui element energy, and it can be used, in its either rough or polished form, as a feng shui enhancer where the Water energy is needed in your home. The shimmering opal represents the month of October, is the birthstone of the astrological sign of Libra and the Chinese zodiac sign of Snake.

    image: YellowTreeCoShop/etsy

    rodika tchi

    Master feng shui consultant, published author. teacher.



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