Feng Shui Tips for A Staircase in the Center of Home

Read Part I: Feng Shui of A Staircase in the Center of A Home or Office

If you have a staircase in the center of your home or office — no matter the design, materials and colors — you might want to look into applying specific feng shui cures in order to balance its energy. As a general rule, a staircase in the center is not good feng shui and needs a bit of care and attention. When working on creating good feng shui in your home, always choose cures that work with your home decor, cures that make sense both visually and practically.

Do not choose feng  shui cures you do not like, because in most cases, these cures will not work for you or your home. There has to be a certain level of harmony and understanding between you and any feng shui decorating cure you choose. If you have a staircase in the center of your home (or office), here are the 3 steps you need to master. Experiment, and choose what looks and feels best in your home.

Step 1.

Find the most efficient and suitable for the design of your home ways to ground the energy of your center staircase. From big and vibrant plants to focal point art, from colorful rugs to impactful lighting, see what brings a sene of stability and peace to this area. For best results, work with the Earth and Fire feng shui elements in your home decor, as the element of the center bagua area is Earth (which is nourished by the Fire element). Avoid a strong presence of Metal and Wood elements decor here.

Step 2.

Be sure that the energy around your center staircase is stable, with a good and clear Chi flow. You want a feeling of stability around your center staircase, and a smooth Chi flow. Things to watch for are doors that are too close to the staircase, be it a bathroom door or the door to the garage (that will create an unstable quality of energy), or big furniture pieces placed close to the staircase (it will block the energy flow). Watch for energy that moves either too fast (created by doors too close to each other) or energy that is blocked and has little movement (positioning of specific furniture pieces, low energy coming from the bathroom, garage or closets. With energy that is moving too fast you want to create strategic focal points to slow the energy down and redirect it; with stagnant energy you want to reposition the furniture for better flow.

Step 3.

As the center is the heart of the home, be especially mindful to bring only feng shui cures that truly speak to your heart. Examples of happy, heart warming decor solutions that can work as excellent feng shui cures for a staircase in the center of the home are vibrant, happy family photos from your most memorable vacations, images that are especially enchanting and dear to your heart, quotes that inspire you, etc. Crystals and rocks are an excellent feng shui cure because they bring the grounding and healing energy of the Earth element that is much needed here.

Even though a staircase in the center of any space is certainly a feng shui challenge, this does not mean you cannot change and balance its energy with good decorating solutions. Keep experimenting, keep changing and paying attention to all details, and you will not only improve the energy in your home, you also learn a lot about good feng shui along the way.

image via @pixelsandpigment/instagram

rodika tchi

Master feng shui consultant, published author. teacher.



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