Feng Shui Tips for Family Harmony

Use simple feng shui tips to bring harmony into your home and your family life

To have a family that is loving and supportive at all times is a true blessing. To have a healthy, beautiful and happy home to share with your family is to be blessed twice. In feng shui wisdom, this is considered very important because the quality of energy in your home determines the quality of your family life and your everyday interactions.

The language of feng shui is intricate and complex; houses and their surroundings are studied carefully for their influence on people living in the home.  According to this ancient art, the quality of energy in each area of your home can determine the quality of energy in specific areas of your life, as well as the health of specific body parts.

To bring more harmony into your family life, consider implementing some basic feng shui tips that are guaranteed to shift the energy in your home. You can use these tips to create more harmony, peace, joy, and compassionate, loving communication in your family life. Easy to implement, the tips below can help you create a considerably better space for all family members, both young and old.

Tip 1: Stay Centered

In feng shui, the center of your home is considered very important, because it is from the center that all other bagua areas of your home draw their energy nourishment. The center is called the Heart of the home, or the Yin-Yang point.

The more open and happy the center of the home is, the happier and more open the people who live in that home tend to be. Take good care of your center by creating vibrant and harmonious energy there, bring decor items and images that speak to you of love and happiness.

Watch Video: How To Find the Center of Any Floor Plan

Tip 2: Take Care of the Family Area

In the language of feng shui, each area of your home is connected to a specific area of your life. The energy of family harmony is closely connected to the state of the Health & Family bagua area.

Do your best to decorate this area of your home with the expression of vibrant Wood and Water feng shui elements, as well as happy family photos. A fountain is also excellent here, a big mirror, stones and crystals, and vibrant plants.

Tip 3: Express Happiness

In the world of energy like attracts like, so a home that is clean, clutter-free and well-loved will for sure promote a harmonious communication between all family members. If you have clutter in your home, do your best to get rid of it and organize your home well.

Watch: The Best Feng Shui Clutter Clearing System

Most importantly, express love and care throughout your whole home and all your decorating choices. Using feng shui consistently will help you create a home that fully supports the health, happiness, and well-being of your family. It will also create a home that is genuinely beautiful, loving and joyful.

Once you are ready to implement more feng shui into your home, you can explore such notions as lucky directions, best personal colors to wear, the lucky colors of the year, best colors for your bedroom and so much more! There is really no end in exploring this fascinating ancient art and science, as long as you approach it with curiosity and intelligence, it will only benefit you.

Image via pinterest

rodika tchi

Master feng shui consultant, published author. teacher.



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